Main Street Now 2024 in Birmingham, Alabama. © Tosha Gaines Photography/Main Street America
Learning Together
Main Street Now is the largest national conference of local leaders working to advance preservation-based economic opportunity in downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts.
This one-of-a-kind event provides local leaders with an opportunity to convene and network with peers from across the country, find solutions to common problems, and discover innovative techniques and tools to strengthen the social, civic, and economic fabric of their communities.
Register today!
Join us April 7 – 9 in Philadelphia for three days of learning, connecting, and celebrating at the 2025 Main Street Now Conference!

More About Main Street Now
What Main Street Now Offers
- Three full days of learning, skills development, and networking-building opportunities.
- 150+ education sessions covering timely and perennial commercial district management topics.
- Introductory and advanced Main Street Approach® training
- Mobile workshops where attendees learn from successes and challenges in our host city and surrounding Main Street communities.
- Expo Hall filled with product and service providers specializing in commercial district management.
- Opportunities to discuss issues, exchange ideas, and discover solutions from colleagues working in Main Street districts of all sizes and stages of the transformation journey.
- Recognition of excellence in the Main Street Movement through the ceremonies for the annual Great American Main Street Award, Mary Means Leadership Award, and Main Street America Revitalization Professional certificate.
Who Main Street Now is For
- Executive directors, staff, board members, and volunteers of local Main Street programs
- Staff of Coordinating Partners
- Civic leaders, including mayors, county executives, city councilmembers, and staff of county/municipal departments
- Preservation, economic development, civic planning, and research professionals
- Students
What People are Saying
“Congrats to Main Street America for a great conference in Boston. Downtown professionals and volunteer board members gathered from across the county. Downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts are more important than ever. Connecting with others in the field and learning best practices and innovating strategies is essential.”
- Patrick McMahon, Town of Windsor
“My first #mainstreetnow conference has been amazing. The education content has been spot on. The relationship building has been exactly what I needed for 2 1⁄2 months in. Thank you to everyone who helped pave the way!”
- Alicia Calhoun, Elkton Alliance Inc.
“Another Main Street America conference in the books. The theme was “Together Again” and it did not disappoint. I walked away inspired, encouraged, and hopeful…To be in a room with so many people who work so hard to help our small towns and small businesses thrive was empowering.”
- CharlesTown Now
Explore Past Conferences

Independence Hall © Sean Pavone/iStock
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
At the 2025 Main Street Now Conference in Philadelphia from April 7 – 9, you’ll find countless celebratory moments — big and small — that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, energized, and inspired to take your organization’s Main Street efforts to the next level.
Register Now!