January 9, 2020 | Big Impacts, Small Towns | By: Lindsey Wallace, Director of Strategic Projects and Design Services, NMSC |Local artists Jamil Burton (l) and Maximillian Mozingo (r) stand with Wendy Snow-Walker (center) of the Arts Council of Wayne County in front of their winning design for the African American Music Trails of North Carolina wall mural in downtown Goldsboro, NC. Credit: Downtown Goldsboro Development Corporation, Inc. and the Arts Council of Wayne County
Placemaking is more than beautiful murals—it is an approach that actively stimulates and sustains downtown economic development. In this week’s Main Spotlight, Lindsey Wallace, NMSC’s Director of Strategic Projects and Design Services, discusses how to harness the power of placemaking in your downtown in her article Big Impacts, Small Towns. From exploring case studies of current placemaking efforts across the country to showcasing the latest in NMSC’s entrepreneurial ecosystem work, Lindsey’s insight will have you looking at place-based strategies in a new light.
This article was originally published in the Fall 2019 edition of the Economic Development Journal, a publication available to members of the International Economic Development Council, and is being reprinted with its permission. To have access to IEDC's journal articles and its many services, you can become a member by visiting https://www.iedconline.org.