We work in collaboration with thousands of local partners and grassroots leaders across the nation who share our commitment to advancing shared prosperity, creating resilient economies, and improving quality of life.
Made up of small towns, mid-sized communities, and urban commercial districts, the thousands of organizations, individuals, volunteers, and local leaders that make up Main Street America™ represent the broad diversity that makes this country so unique.
Looking for strategies and tools to support you in your work? Delve into the Main Street Resource Center and explore a wide range of resources including our extensive Knowledge Hub, professional development opportunities, field service offerings, advocacy support, and more!
Join us in our work to advance shared prosperity, create strong economies, and improve quality of life in downtowns and neighborhood commercial districts.
Michigan Main Street Refresh Implementation: Our Process and Lessons Learned So Far
Community Strategy Identification Session, Downtown Charlotte (photo credit: Windwalker Underground Gallery)
By now you know that Michigan Main Street is the first coordinating program to roll-out the refreshed Main Street Approach in all 21 of our Select and Master Level communities across the state. We began this process in the Spring of 2016 when we chose one Select Level and two Master Level communities—Saline, Boyne City and Grand Haven—to pilot the implementation of the new Main Street Approach. We learned many lessons from the process and transformation strategies that were identified for each of these communities. By the end of these pilots, we felt excited and confident in this new approach and decided to enhance our partnership with Main Street America and move forward with the opportunity to take the rest of our communities through the refresh implementation process.
Fast forward to today, three-quarters of our communities have been through the initial stage of the refresh implementation process. As the first coordinating program to implement the new approach on such a large scale, we feel that we have developed a robust process and have learned valuable lessons that we want to begin sharing as best practices. We hope that you, as either a coordinating program or local main street organization, can utilize and adapt our process for your efforts in implementing the refreshed Main Street Approach. After all, what is Main Street without the ability to “R&D” (“Rip-off and Duplicate”), leveraging our nationwide network to collaborate and learn from each other? Please, take what we have defined as the refresh implementation process for our communities, love it as we do, and then adjust it to address the unique needs and opportunities in your local community.
Michigan Main Street Refresh Implementation Process
Remember when we said that we wanted to take the implementation process utilized in the three pilot communities and replicate it in our remaining 18 communities? The first lesson we learned is that implementation must occur over time and be adapted to the specific circumstances of each local program. In other words, we realized that each community would have different needs and opportunities that could be addressed through the refresh process and that successfully incorporating these unique dynamics into a transformation strategy would require a longer-term approach to implementation. Though the Main Street Four Points remain as the foundation, the new Main Street Approach has required local organizations to shift the way they think and operate to develop programming and define success. Once we recognized the power of the refresh to help communities make such a significant shift, we developed the following process to gradually help move our communities toward defining locally relevant strategies that will drive their programming and help direct the use of resources in their local district.
Michigan Main Street Strategy Implementation Process
Step One: Strategy Identification at the Community and Main Street Organization Level
The first step in our process involves close partnership with Main Street America to conduct community and leadership surveys, as well as identify baseline market information about the community. These inputs are evaluated to identify where community feedback and market opportunities overlap; this overlap is the foundation for potential transformation strategies that are proposed to the community and Main Street organization during an on-site visit. During the on-site visit, Main Street America and Michigan Main Street staff meet with a wide variety of community stakeholders including: municipal leaders, business and property owners and other partner organizations prevalent within the community to gather additional insight about the community’s downtown and discuss the potential strategies that emerged from pre-visit surveys and market research. These on-site conversations are used to refine the initial transformation strategies—sometimes eliminating a potential strategy or highlighting a specific niche within a strategy. Following the stakeholder focus group meetings, Main Street America staff present the community and local Main Street organization with the input received from the local surveys and stakeholder meetings, a summary of the demographic and market data, and two to three recommended transformation strategies. Attendees at the presentation are then asked to discuss and reflect-on potential transformation strategies, so that the Main Street Board can make a formal decision about which strategy to pursue.
Focus Group Meeting, Downtown Lapeer (photo credit: Michigan Main Street Center)
This step has proven to be critical in building momentum and community buy-in for the refresh implementation process. Not only does it allow for the community and local leaders’ input to be heard and accounted for, but it also provides all stakeholders with the ability to be engaged in the process of identifying a strategic direction for their downtown. These stakeholder meetings have also provided an invaluable opportunity for Main Street leaders, community stakeholders and partner organizations to strengthen relationships and to begin defining how they can leverage each of their own resources to implement the selected transformation strategy.
It is also important to note that we have been straightforward with our Main Street organizations by discussing that it is to their benefit to choose only one or two of the proposed transformation strategies at this stage. In doing this, we have emphasized the benefits of having a focused, strategic direction to direct their limited human and financial resources and clearly define their role in downtown revitalization to other community stakeholders. In addition, limiting the number of strategies selected will help the organization define meaningful metrics that demonstrate the impact they have in fulfilling the community’s vision for downtown.
Step Two: Strategy Development at the Main Street Board Level
Once the local Main Street Board has formally selected a transformation strategy, the next step in the refresh implementation process is strategy development. Michigan Main Street works with each Board to make the strategy more specific and meaningful to their community. We do this by aligning the selected strategy with the existing vision for downtown, while also asking the Board to define what their district will look like in 3-5 years if they successfully implement the selected transformation strategy.
Once the Board has developed a statement defining successful implementation of the strategy, we ask Board members to identify actionable goals that will need to be realized to achieve this success. The goals need to be specific enough that they provide guidance for committees and/or project teams as they develop work plans. Additionally, we encourage the Board to identify goals that cross the Four Points to encourage collaboration in existing programing. In order to ensure the organization is being comprehensive in its revitalization efforts, the organization’s goals are reflected and aligned under each of the Main Street Four Points. Finally, we work with the Board to develop a statement of the outcomes/measure of success that can be expected if each goal is achieved. Measures of success serve to answer the question, “What happens if we accomplish the goal?” These measures also serve as a benchmark for the Board to evaluate their success in moving the organization toward the selected transformation strategy and give them a framework for evaluating and approving work plans proposed by committees.
Step Three: Strategy Implementation + Project Management at the Main Street Committee Level
We have decided to target 2018 work plans as the first formal deployment of selected transformation strategies in Michigan Main Street Communities. We have found that allowing Boards the time to dive into strategy development and build consensus around their selected strategy creates a sense of ownership that, we believe, is critical to sustaining a strategic approach to developing and approving the projects initiated at the committee level.
To support the first year of strategy implementation, Michigan Main Street staff will work directly with the Board, committee leaders and committee volunteers to evaluate the alignment of new and existing programing and activities with the strategy, goals and measures of success identified by the Board. We will have the organization look at a list of current and potential projects and activities (i.e. work plans), as well as activities of partner organizations, to assess which programming best supports each of the goals identified by the Board. We will also ask the organization to identify how each activity or program aligns across the Four Points to ensure that organizations remain comprehensive in their approach to revitalization. Finally, we will discuss implementation timelines for projects that align with strategic goals, with the expectation that some activities will be short-term (1-2 years) and others will be long-term (3-5 years).
The Main Street Board is tasked with approving projects and activities that it feels are most important to achieving the goals and measures of success they have identified. Once the Board has approved programming and activities, committees or project teams will be responsible for developing work plans that outline the tasks, budget and responsible parties for each project or activity. Committees will also develop metrics that demonstrate the impact of each project relative to the organization’s goals.
Michigan Main Street Strategy Implementation Example
As we work with our communities to implement the refreshed Main Street Approach, we will continue to share examples and lessons learned from our experience. Additionally, we plan to feature stories and guidance from local program directors, board members and volunteers about their first-hand experience with the refreshed Main Street Approach. Be on the lookout for regular stories from Michigan Main Street communities in the coming year that we hope will help your program successfully implement the refreshed Main Street Approach.
Lessons Learned
We have identified four early lessons in this first phase of implementing the refresh that we would like to share with your program as you consider how to approach this process in your state or community.
Lesson 1: Tailor Implementation to Meet the Community + Main Street Organization’s Needs
When we began to roll-out the refreshed Main Street Approach to our communities, we assumed communities would identify their transformation strategy and then begin immediately implementing that strategy locally. We have found that, in-practice, implementation requires organizations to function differently than they have in the past so they need time to become comfortable with the idea of aligning programming around a strategy and, most importantly, need to have ownership of the way that the strategy will be realized in their community. In addition to the multi-step strategy and goal development process, our team found that in-depth training sessions for program directors, board members and volunteers helped to introduce the refresh concept early so that folks were already familiar with the approach before initiating the community-specific strategy development process. In Michigan, we have hosted several state-wide training sessions to teach this new approach to conducting business on Main Street. Communicating the refreshed approach in this way, also gives local programs confidence that they are not the only organization being asked to engage in a new approach to Main Street.
Quarterly Training with Main Street Executive Directors, Board Members and Volunteers teaching the Refreshed Main Street Approach (photo credit: Michigan Main Street Center)
We have also found that implementation is about allowing our communities to operate through a transitionary period. This new approach is not about dumping all the things that our Main Street Organizations have done to make themselves and their downtowns successful. Instead, it’s about asking our organizations to shift the way they work and begin aligning their projects and activities under their chosen transformation strategy.
By slowing the implementation of the refreshed approach and really working with our communities to begin implementing their transformation strategies over a series of steps, we have been able to allow our communities time to feel comfortable with the new approach. We have seen that this has helped our communities embrace the refreshed approach and generate excitement within the Main Street organization and within their wide network of partner organizations.
Lesson 2: Work with the Main Street Organization to Further Define the Transformation Strategy
The transformation strategies Main Street America has created are full of opportunity, however they are intentionally broad-based. This has made it difficult for communities to feel attached to any one strategy and understand how the strategy applies to their downtown. One of the critical elements of our process has been working with our communities to further define each of their transformation strategies to be meaningful and specific to the assets and opportunities present in their downtown and community. The process of defining the transformation strategy allows the Main Street organization to explore what is unique about their downtown and community, while also specifically outlining what successful implementation will look like for their district. This has been a key component of the process as it allows the local Board to feel a sense of ownership around the strategic direction of their organization, while also helping the organization to see value in the refresh implementation process.
We have also had success in the communities where we have taken the opportunity to create customized strategies that are based on the original transformation strategies identified by Main Street America. In the communities where we have identified a more customized strategy, a set of unique or extenuating circumstances has presented itself, which has created the need for a more tailored strategy. Even in the case where a customized strategy has been identified for a community, we will still work with the local Board to define successful implementation, by establishing goals and measures of success that the Board will use to benchmark progress in achieving the strategy.
Lesson 3: Define Partnerships for the Implementation of Each Transformation Strategy
One of the most exciting components of the refreshed Main Street Approach is the emphasis on partnerships and engagement of community stakeholders in defining the strategic direction of downtown. It has been exciting to see our Main Street programs engage municipal leaders, business and property owners, the chamber of commerce, local school districts, community institutions and many other stakeholders in conversations about taking a more strategic approach for their community’s downtown revitalization efforts. The refresh implementation process has provided an excellent platform to engage these key stakeholders in leveraging resources around a shared strategy and unified focus for downtown.
We have found that some components of each transformation strategy are appropriate for partner organizations to begin implementing, and our communities have been able to have conversations with their partners to decide and specify which organization is better suited to take responsibility for various tasks and projects. The conversations our communities have had with their partners and key stakeholders have opened the door for collaborative downtown revitalization efforts that are aligned around the selected transformation strategy. These partnerships not only leverage additional resources for downtown, but also provide an incredible opportunity to engage the wider community to have a positive impact on downtown revitalization.
Lesson 4: Change the Way Main Street Organizations Think + Act
The refreshed Main Street Approach requires Main Street Organizations to change the way they think and conduct business. What we have found is that we are asking our communities to begin leveraging all of their resources towards a common goal. We see the refresh as working to elevate the focus of our communities, by encouraging them to work in a strategic direction. Our communities will now be able to measure the impacts they are having relative to implementing a focused strategy, as well as continue to demonstrate their impact using the traditional data highlighting investment, job creation, facades improved, etc.
The Main Street Refresh has had the benefit of elevating the role of our Main Street Boards within their organizations. Transformation strategies help the Boards ensure their organization is moving in a strategic, focused direction by providing them with a means to evaluate and accept projects and activities put forth by committees. As our Boards are put in charge of ensuring their organization is implementing their transformation strategy they establish metrics and measures of success against which they will be evaluated, allowing them to take on a true leadership role and to demonstrate measureable impacts in downtown revitalization.
While this refreshed approach allows our communities to determine if they are moving the needle towards implementing their focused strategy, we have found that measuring success requires a different process for defining and collecting metrics. This has forced us to think critically about defining specific metrics with our communities and provide real examples in order to offer support and guidance to our Main Street Organizations as they go through this process.
Lastly, we expect that one of the next steps for our Main Street organizations will be evaluating their organizational structure as they move through this process to implement the refreshed Main Street Approach. We expect to see many of our organizations taking a more flexible approach to their organizational structures. Many of our communities are no longer operating with Four Point Committees, but instead have begun combining committees as the work these committees have been conducting overlap in many areas. It is very important to note that we will still ensure that the work our communities are doing is comprehensive and hitting all Four Points, as it is likely that many of the projects and activities our communities will work on will include aspects of all of the Four Points.
The Michigan Main Street program exists to help communities develop main street districts that attract both residents and businesses, promote private commercial investment and spur economic growth. Michigan Main Street is a program of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and is led by Laura Krizov, Manager, and her team Leigh Young, AICP, Organization Specialist, and Michelle Audette-Bauman, Economic Vitality Specialist.
Our featured speakers lineup includes local leaders and industry experts sharing first-hand insights about creating a sustainable movement where everyone can fully participate and thrive.
If you are a civic leader passionate about strengthening your community's downtown district, then you must check out the 2025 Main Street Now Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 7-9. Check out these four reasons why.
Rooted in foundational topics and inspired by feedback from the Main Street network, this year’s schedule is bursting with opportunities to connect, learn, and celebrate. Check it out!
The Early Bird rate for the 2025 Main Street Now Conference expires on Tuesday, February 4. Act now to save up to $310 on registration to our movement's can't-miss event of the year!
The Main Street Now 2025 mobile workshops offer something for everyone! Some have already sold out, but opportunities to enhance your conference experience and bring time-tested techniques and creative solutions back to your community abound with these great excursions.
We invite all local Main Street program directors, managers, and executive leaders to take our 2025 Main Street Directors Survey. Make your voice heard, gain valuable insights, and help shape the future of Main Street. Take the survey by February 6.
Have New Year's resolutions? Meet all your professional development goals and find the tools to achieve your organization's plans for the year ahead at the 2025 Main Street Now Conference!
Join your peers from across the Main Street network and experts in commercial district stewardship for three days of connection, learning, and celebration in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 7-9. Get a jump start on your registration and hotel reservations today!
Once you have you have your new transformation strategy, how do you put it into action? Learn how to adjust your work plans, align your budget, and get buy-in for a successful transformation strategy.
Join host Matt Wagner for his conversation with Patrick Jackowski and Matt Horne, the duo behind Firehouse Coffee 1881, a thriving coffee shop housed in a firehouse in historic Fort Monroe, a decommissioned military compound located in Hampton, Virginia.
In this episode, Matt reveals the data-driven trends that will define the 2024 holiday shopping season—and shows you exactly how to leverage them for your small business.
Join us in celebrating the incredible accomplishments of exceptional leaders shaping the Main Street Movement by nominating your organization’s stellar director, board member, or volunteer for the prestigious Mary Means Leadership Award. The nomination portal is open through Friday, December 6.
Mark your calendar for the 2025 Main Street Now Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from April 7-9! Join your peers from across the Main Street network and experts in commercial district stewardship for insightful education sessions, unique special events, immersive mobile workshops, and incredible experiences.
Join host Matt Wagner as he welcomes Kaycee McCoy, co-owner and creative lead at Pawsnickety Pets in Norfolks, Virginia. Kaycee and her best friend, Shizuka Benton, launched the all-natural and organic pet supply business in Norfolk at the start of the pandemic, but have used their combined talents to keep the business growing and thriving over the last four years.
Meet the 2025 Great American Main Street Award Semifinalists! This year’s semifinalists demonstrate exceptional achievements in reenergizing their downtowns through inclusive, collaborative organizing and innovative economic development, arts and culture, and historic preservation initiatives.
It is important to make sure that the growth of your community does not result in displacement or marginalization. Putting equity at the core of your transformation strategy helps you work towards measures of success that benefit everyone.
Due to unprecedented demand, we've added an additional 5 spots and a waitlist for our Community Transformation Workshop in Iowa. Register today to take advantage of this opportunity to invest in your ability to develop solutions for your downtown and create transformation strategies that work.
There are only a few spaces still available for this intensive high impact, hands-on learning experience for place professionals. Register today and join us in Des Moines & Nevada, Iowa, from October 15-16, to gain tools to develop real world solutions for your downtown district. Registration closes September 27, or once capacity is reached.
Art is a powerful tool for community change. Learn how the arts can improve community engagement, boost economic development, and connect with the Main Street Approach.
The deadline to nominate your community for the Main Street Movement's most prestigious award is Friday, July 26–just a few days away. Now is the time to put finishing touches on your application!
Join us in Des Moines & Nevada, Iowa, from October 15-16, for this intensive high impact, hands-on learning experience for place professionals and boost your ability to lead catalytic projects in your community. Space is limited! Registration closes September 27, or once capacity is reached.
With just two weeks until applications are due, now is the time to gather images, edit responses, and rewatch the informational webinar. Seize this moment to apply for the Main Street Movement’s greatest honor! The application portal is open through Friday, July 26.
Learn how the 2024 GAMSA winners celebrated this exciting achievement and the impact that the Great American Main Street Award has had on their work and their communities.
Join us for a three-part webinar series revisiting some of the most popular sessions from the 2024 Main Street Now Conference. Experts from across the network will share their knowledge and practical information on a range of perennial Main Street topics.
Last year, we announced upcoming changes to the Main Street America Institute. We are excited to provide an update on those changes and a sneak peek at what you can expect in the future.
Join us for free webinars revisiting some of the most popular sessions from the 2024 Main Street Now Conference. Experts from across the network will share their knowledge and practical information on a range of perennial Main Street topics.
Registration for this high impact, hands-on learning experience for place professionals interested in gaining tools, skills, and techniques necessary to address complex revitalization initiatives will open in July. Read to learn more and add the 2024 Community Transformation Workshop in Des Moines & Nevada, Iowa, to your calendar.
Has your Main Street program made significant strides in realizing your community’s vision for its downtown? Do your projects and programs serve as models for comprehensive, preservation-based commercial district revitalization? If this sounds like you, then you could be a candidate for the 2025 Great American Main Street Award! The application portal is open through Friday, July 26.
Jackie Swihart spoke with Abby Huff at Indiana Main Street about their recent experience utilizing Main Street America's transformation strategies workshops.
The MSARP credential is the highest level of achievement offered through the Main Street America Institute, requiring dedication to completing a rigorous curriculum. Join us in celebrating eight Main Street leaders who have most recently achieved this prestigious credential!
Main Street America is proud to recognize NewTown Macon, Madison Main Street Program, and Monroeville Main Street as 2024 Great American Main Street Award winners. All three organizations serve as exemplary models for reenergizing downtown districts through collective action that fosters vibrant downtowns through grassroots economic development, preservation with a purpose, and creative problem solving
Main Street Alabama is thrilled to welcome Main Streeters to Birmingham for Main Street Now 2024. As you build out your personal agenda, make sure to also make time to explore our amazing host city. Check out this roundup of some local favorites for you to explore between conference sessions, activities, and celebrations.
We are proud to announce that 1,188 programs have achieved designations as Main Street America programs in recognition of their commitment to preservation-based economic development and community revitalization through the Main Street Approach™, and that local programs generated $5.68 billion in local reinvestment in 2023.
In just two weeks local leaders will convene in Birmingham, Alabama, for the 2024 Main Street Now Conference from May 6-8. Online registration at the regular rate ends on Friday, April 26. Act now to secure your spot and keep reading to get the latest recommendations for an unforgettable experience.
Urban Impact Inc., harnesses strategic investments and collaborative efforts to foster a vibrant and sustainable future, from visionary adaptive reuse ventures to transformative development grants for small businesses and property owners in Birmingham, Alabama's historic 4th Avenue Black Business District.
Online registration and the regular rate are available through Friday, April 26. Download the conference mobile app, sign-up for the attendee webinar, grab some Shop Main Street merch, get recommendations, and more!
With just a little over a month to go until we convene in Birmingham, Alabama, for the 2024 Main Street Now Conference from May 6-8, we are excited to announce that the full schedule is available online and the mobile app is ready for download.
From budgets and staffing to programming priorities and the myriad of backgrounds that bring people to Main Street, the insights and key findings from this year's trends survey provide a snapshot of the state of the Main Street Movement.
REV Birmingham and Woodlawn United share how they work to reenergize spaces and places in Birmingham, Alabama, through civic infrastructure projects in the city’s historic commercial corridors.
With a specially priced registration rate of $199, tailored education track, free lunch & learn session, and abundant networking opportunities, Main Street Now 2024 is made for civic leaders passionate about community preservation and economic development in historic downtowns and neighborhood commercial corridors.
Opportunities to experience time-tested Main Street Approach techniques and creative solutions in action abound in Birmingham with these great excursions.
Starting in early 2024, we will engage in an intensive program assessment of MSAI. We look forward to bringing an enhanced Main Street professional development experience to the network later in the year.
Founded in 2003 and currently housed within the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), Michigan Main Street (MMS) recently celebrated 20 years of impact across 41 communities.
This three-week live, online course will prepare local leaders to more effectively work with small business owners in their districts and create an environment that is supportive of entrepreneurship.
We are excited to share a recent collaboration with Spark! Places of Innovation, a traveling exhibition curated by the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street program.
We are excited to welcome Jenice Contreras to the Main Street America Board of Directors. Jenice has a long record of leadership across community and economic development with deep experience with equitable growth, small-scale development, and cultural preservation.
Join Main Street America experts in Vancouver, Wash., to gain first-hand experience in harnessing transformation strategies to successfully revitalize your Main Street!
We are excited to announce that 862 Main Street programs across the country have earned Accredited status, Main Street America’s top level of recognition.
The MSARP credential is the highest level of achievement offered through the Main Street America Institute, requiring dedication to completing a rigorous curriculum of online courses, readings, assignments, workshops, and a challenging final exam.
Over the course of three days, nearly 1900 Main Streeters from near and far gathered for dynamic educational sessions, immersive mobile workshops, and network-building activities.
Check out our new shop featuring clothing and apparel, accessories, home and office goods, and kids’ and baby items inspired by the Main Street Movement.
Main Street America is proud to recognize John Bry, Program Coordinator at Main Street Oakland County (MSOC) in Michigan, as the 2023 Mary Means Leadership Award recipient.
We’re excited to announce a new suite of resources designed for Main Street! The Main Street Foundations Series provides an overview of each Point through four comprehensive introductory videos, one-page guides, materials from our resource center, and more.
From the ongoing pivots needed to meet changing community needs to the timeless power of place, these are the most popular blog posts we published this year.
Leverage NC, a partnership between North Carolina Main Street and the North Carolina League of Municipalities, hosted a four-part webinar series titled Better Community Planning & Economic Development led by Ed McMahon, Chair Emeritus of Main Street America and a leading national authority on land use policy and economic development.
These 67 recipients from across the country ranged from bakeries and boutiques to salons and museums, but they all shared a commitment to the program's goals of responding and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic and helping to revitalize and strengthen older and historic downtown commercial districts.
The Brookings Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking released a new series of research briefs focused on the role that place governance organizations, like Main Street programs, play in revitalizing rural downtowns and promoting equitable rural economic and community development.
Missouri Main Street Connection (MMSC) had the opportunity to take Missouri Executive Directors and other community representatives on the Iowa Community Expedition
In response, UrbanMain and Main Street Oakland County joined forces in March 2018 to assist Pontiac stakeholders in putting their downtown organization back on a positive track, making Pontiac the first community in Michigan to participate in the UrbanMain initiative.
American Express, the National Trust for Historic Preservation and Main Street America announced the winners of the 2018 Partners in Preservation: Main Streets campaign.
An essential component of the Main Street America Institute, the three-day in-person workshop gives participants hands-on tools to enact revitalization projects in their communities.
Since 2013, Try This West Virginia has sought to improve health environments in local communities as a collaboration of organizations working together to combat the health challenges facing West Virginians.
From community gathering spaces to retail incubators, from small towns to big cities – this year’s projects and communities are a testament to the diversity of Main Streets across the country.
Matt Wagner, National Main Street Center's Vice President of Revitalization Programs, discusses competitive advantages, incrementalism and the power of the Main Street America network
Main Street Homer (Homer, Louisiana) was awarded a $25,000 A Community Thrives social impact grant from Gannett/USA Today Network to create an arts center with affordable artist studios and classroom/event space.
Nearly slated for demolition 30 years ago, downtown Cedar Falls has experienced an amazing transformation through its revitalization journey using the Main Street Approach.
The National Main Street Center, Inc., announced Downtown Oregon City, Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency, and Howell Main Street as the 2018 Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA) winners during its annual conference in Kansas City, Missouri.
We rolled out four new Main Street America videos highlighting the power of the Main Street movement, Main Street Approach, economic impact of Main Street, and the incredible volunteers that make Main Street's grassroots network so effective.
A series of small, incremental improvements, when taken together, provide momentum for long-term economic transformation and improved quality of life in a community.
The National Main Street Center, Inc. announced the 2017 Great American Main Street Award (GAMSA) during its annual conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
The National Main Street Center and the Brookings Institution have jointly authored a response to Mr. Hyman’s piece, The Reality of Main Street, that is featured on Brookings’ blog.
Fritz the dog has made his way into the hearts of the residents of LaBelle, Florida, and helped our Main Street Community find a way to make what we do more noticeable.
Back in October 2015, we introduced the three key components of the refreshed Main Street Approach: inputs, outputs and Community Transformation Strategies.
For a lucky few downtowns, greatness may happen effortlessly with a strong sense of place that seems to develop organically and simply sustain itself. For most places, success doesn’t happen by chance.
While there have been over $1.2 billion in public and private investment in Wisconsin Main Street communities over the past 27 years, what really makes it special are the people and places that have been involved.
Although a “beach town,” Rehoboth Beach is open 365 days a year, and with that has the unique challenge of catering to both year-round residents and tourists within a wide range of ages, interests and economic levels
In communities across the country, hardworking business owners and buy local advocates come together to foster an organized effort to reinvent and revitalize Main Streets and downtown districts.
The National Main Street Center is pleased to announce that Cape Girardeau, Mo., Montclair Center, N.J., and Rawlins, Wyo. were selected as the 2015 Great American Main Street Award® (GAMSA) winners.